How do you want to help? 

Click the underlined text

Help directly and learn stuff with staff

If you want to work with us, then you can join our discord and start chatting, make a ticket, or direct message staff. Whatever you are comfortable with.

Or contact the owner directly (info at the bottom of the welcome/intro pages)

The kinds of jobs you would be doing would be stuff like:

Collecting resources, learning about SEO, coding, researching how to prevent CSAM.

This is a WIP document for guidance on how to do stuff, if you would rather not use discord, or see more stuff before you decide to help.

Volunteer  Document \\ Guides

Help quickly by advertising

● Put "" in your custom status or about-me 

● Make a post on social media using invitation images from the resource page

● Tell a friend who may want to help with this!

●If you own a discord server, add our bot here! -Bot link 

Thank you 🤍

Understand child exploitation and prevention

How To Prevent CSE/CP/CSAM